Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Slide show of current events - only in the South can you have a mud pie fight in October. Aunt Kellie came to visit the weekend before Halloween so there are some pictures of the cousins playing, a trip to McLeod Farms in McBee and of course pre trick or treating. We did have some pictures of the Fair, but they are lost on my mom's computer!! October sure has been busy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Men Are Fabulous!!

Reflection - I attended a wedding this past weekend of a co-worker. The ceremony was outdoors and as I watched the groomsman pause and smile and ascend the stairs it gave me a chance to reflect upon the various roles men have to take on and get very little credit for. No doubt these young men were thinking "This sucks - where is the beer?" However they did exactly what they were told, just as my husbands friends did 13 years ago. I have known the guys in this picture since they were freshman at The Citadel and have had the pleasure of watching them mature from boys to men to husbands and fathers (some of you - still waiting E). Of course I can only speak of my husband, but my guess is that they are pretty much the same way. By now we have lived some of the vows you take on your wedding day - for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others.... When we had children I was the one that stayed home, and for 7 years he had no choice but to go to work, whether he hated it or not. I drive the nicer of our two cars, Chris lets me take a nap every weekend, he always answers the "does this make me look fat" question correctly, he navigates PMS like a pro and never complains that I have two pair of the same shoe. I hope that we raise our son to follow in his father's and "uncles" footsteps and our daughter to find someone with these traits and appreciate the various roles that men have to take on (and remember to give them credit for it).

Happy Birthday

To my much older brother - Steven.

Now this picture was taken 7 years ago and what you can't see is that Steven is holding a screaming CJ - so he looks pretty good considering.

Also, here are the latest school picures.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Too Cute!!

This was sent to me by a "good" friend - no matter what your party affliation - don't forget to vote on November 4!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Congratulations to my cousin Chris and his new wife Tori who were married over the weekend. The jet was in the shop so we could not make it - but we wish you all the happiness and look forward to unleashing CJ on the "British" family soon. The pictures are beautiful!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom & CJ's first goal!!

Happy birthday to my mother, who turns ?? today!!!

Nothing much has been happening - CJ is back in soccer season and this year we seem to have a lot more games than last season. He scored his first GOAL today and we are very proud of him - now if he could just learn to not yell at the other team when they score....we are trying to teach him that is their job.....also he is coming off a team that (last year) was really good, to a tougher age group...he is not taking the losing thing too well :-)

Also Chris and CJ went to a Panthers game last Sunday with my brother Jeff - Chris said CJ was in awe and then thought it was too loud!!! If you know CJ I know that you are in shock!