Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Sorry I have been behind - with school plays and church programs, parades, office parites and Christmas festivities I was beginnning to wonder if this really was the "most ownderful time of the year." Everyday before Chris left for work he would ask "what are we doing tonight?" The kids really enjoyed Christmas and as we sit around today watching football - they are gearing up for the Knotts Christmas starting Wednesday.

Monday, December 8, 2008


We spent Thanksgiving with The Smith Family in Huntersville, NC. It took about 20 tries to get the family picture - the kids were not amused. We put up the Christmas tree the Sunday after, which is a record for me since I usually wait until December 20th. We are gearing up for a busy next couple of weeks with The Jingle Ball 5k Run/Walk (Mom and I are doing this - guess which one we are doing), school plays, church plays and breakfast with Santa. I was at the kids school today and got to read CJ's Christmas list - which contained things I have never heard him ask for...uh oh!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday Maggie!!!

Also - I am a day late - Happy Birthday (11/19) to my brother Jeff and my cousin Jenni!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hunt!

We attended the wedding of my cousin on Saturday - Greg and Karen were married on a boat during a cruise on Lake Norman. The weather held out and although it was windy there was no rain! The kids loved it and were pretty well behaved considering the added excitement of the boat and water and twelve other kids running around. Sorry for the insane length of the slide show - but I have to say I agree with my aunt who said she was not having her picture taken because they never turned out as beautiful as she was - I TOTALLY agree - mine never turn out as thin as I actually

Before we left for the wedding Maggie went to Build a Bear for a birthday party and Chris and I took CJ and Mason (our neighbor) to Family Fun Day in Camden - see The kids had a great time getting their face painted and climbing all over the fire truck. I am happy the weather also held out for the Spradley Family.

Now That's What I'm Talking About

Check out this reporter - the election is over and we have nothing else to talk about!!! Who would not want to have sex for seven straight days!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election 2008

The United States of America has made history - hope we see some changes.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 off! Get out and VOTE!

The kids were out of school Monday and Tuesday - so Chris and I took turns, he had Monday and I had Tuesday. On Monday all Chris had to do was clean the house, do all the dishes and the laundry. On Tuesday we left the house at 8:30 and got home around 2. I packed a dentist appointment,doctors appointment, lunch with Dad and voting in on Tuesday. Chris had a line at 7am but I hardly had to wait in line at 1:30pm. Not sure who got the better deal!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Slide show of current events - only in the South can you have a mud pie fight in October. Aunt Kellie came to visit the weekend before Halloween so there are some pictures of the cousins playing, a trip to McLeod Farms in McBee and of course pre trick or treating. We did have some pictures of the Fair, but they are lost on my mom's computer!! October sure has been busy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Men Are Fabulous!!

Reflection - I attended a wedding this past weekend of a co-worker. The ceremony was outdoors and as I watched the groomsman pause and smile and ascend the stairs it gave me a chance to reflect upon the various roles men have to take on and get very little credit for. No doubt these young men were thinking "This sucks - where is the beer?" However they did exactly what they were told, just as my husbands friends did 13 years ago. I have known the guys in this picture since they were freshman at The Citadel and have had the pleasure of watching them mature from boys to men to husbands and fathers (some of you - still waiting E). Of course I can only speak of my husband, but my guess is that they are pretty much the same way. By now we have lived some of the vows you take on your wedding day - for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others.... When we had children I was the one that stayed home, and for 7 years he had no choice but to go to work, whether he hated it or not. I drive the nicer of our two cars, Chris lets me take a nap every weekend, he always answers the "does this make me look fat" question correctly, he navigates PMS like a pro and never complains that I have two pair of the same shoe. I hope that we raise our son to follow in his father's and "uncles" footsteps and our daughter to find someone with these traits and appreciate the various roles that men have to take on (and remember to give them credit for it).

Happy Birthday

To my much older brother - Steven.

Now this picture was taken 7 years ago and what you can't see is that Steven is holding a screaming CJ - so he looks pretty good considering.

Also, here are the latest school picures.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Too Cute!!

This was sent to me by a "good" friend - no matter what your party affliation - don't forget to vote on November 4!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Congratulations to my cousin Chris and his new wife Tori who were married over the weekend. The jet was in the shop so we could not make it - but we wish you all the happiness and look forward to unleashing CJ on the "British" family soon. The pictures are beautiful!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom & CJ's first goal!!

Happy birthday to my mother, who turns ?? today!!!

Nothing much has been happening - CJ is back in soccer season and this year we seem to have a lot more games than last season. He scored his first GOAL today and we are very proud of him - now if he could just learn to not yell at the other team when they score....we are trying to teach him that is their job.....also he is coming off a team that (last year) was really good, to a tougher age group...he is not taking the losing thing too well :-)

Also Chris and CJ went to a Panthers game last Sunday with my brother Jeff - Chris said CJ was in awe and then thought it was too loud!!! If you know CJ I know that you are in shock!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Current Events

I added a slide show of things we have been up to the past couple of weeks. After Tyler's funeral (see August 23 post) Chris and I invited the rugby players and their parents back to our house to hang out. A game started in the front yard and of course I had to take pictures of the little darlings - and yes those children are all of 16.

We fed Tana's horses over Labor Day weekend much to mine and Maggie's delight - the snake is what greeted me on Sunday morning - Chris arrived to capture it and relocate him - my hero!

Finally soccer has started back up and Maggie attended the little demon cheer clinic for the second year in a row. She will be cheering at the football game Friday night much to her delight and CJ's dismay!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Go Cocks! Are you kidding me?

This is just a random post that I am doing because I am a little bored at work. Now that my life of leisure is over, after seven years, I have returned to working outside of the home - in downtown Columbia. Every day at 9, 12 and 5 the sound of a Rooster crowing and the Carolina fight song is blasted out of speakers at the top of the Columbia skyline. You really should have seen the rush of people leaving work at noon last Thursday to tailgate before the NC State game - all for a team that, quite frankly, has done nothing with much success but populate 5 Points and the local jail. Oh the presumable star quarterback, in very mature fashion, keyed a professor's car with some success, til he got caught.

Now I am confident that I have made some reading this blog mad, but I will point out 1. My degree, technically, is from USC and 2. this is my blog so I can say what I want - Go Cocks! Good luck against Georgia (you are going to need it)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Phillip Reid McCoy made his much anticipated debut this morning weighing in at 9 lbs 5 oz and 19 inches long. Proud parents are Phil (our preacher) and Nicole McCoy and big sister Grace.

Welcome to the world Reid!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today marks the 19th anniversary of our first date!

Some may have mixed opinions on the fact that we remember this date or that we are high school sweethearts, etc...we have heard them all. We have now been married 12 years going on a lifetime - so to my wonderful husband, thanks for asking.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Authorities say 16-year-old Tyler Austin Narr of Lugoff was swimming near
Dreher Island with friends when he disappeared under water.
Newberry County Sheriff Lee Foster says friends tried to find the boy, but were unsuccessful.
Narr was found late this afternoon by officials.

Chris coached Tyler in rugby - his friends called him "Shaggy" because he resembled the character in Scooby-Doo.

Please keep his family and friends in your prayers.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School!!!!!

Maggie started kindergarten today and CJ is now in second grade. What a difference!! Chris and I both went into work late so we could do the usual walking to class, picture taking first day of school routine - the kindergarten class was a little chaotic with parents everywhere - CJ's class were all sitting quietly doing their morning work as if they had not even had a summer. We took Maggie into her class and made a fuss while CJ announced that he was going ahead to his class because he did not want to be late (he gets that from his father). After saying goodbye to Maggie we headed to CJ's class, as referenced earlier, they were all sitting quietly until I came walking in and said how well behaved they were and started taking pictures of him.....his teacher seemed unamused.....and the kids looked at me like I was crazy....oh well. CJ is seated with 2 girls and another boy from his class last year. Chris and I are taking bets as to how long that will last.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mini Vacation

Here are some pictures from our trip to Charleston! We had a good time - the kids loved the ocean and have absolutly no fear of the waves, sharks and other various things floating - I am not a big fan.

Note to self (and others) - try to remember your good camera - the color quality on the disposable ones is terrible!!